Pizza & Fashion
What do you get when you mix a fashion model, gypsy and pizza connoisseur? Say Hello to Britnee Rochelle! Contagious smile and a lust for life... What better person to feature on our next installment of Happy Thoughts?
@britneerochelle — 198k followers on Instagram
Let's talk serious stuff... best pizza on the planet, GO! (no pressure or anything, but it's a big one.)
Hands down the best pizza on the planet that I have had so far is Prince St pizza! They have the original location in NY and recently opened up a location in Hollywood. 10/10 highly recommend! Also really love Toney Boloneys! They have some fun funky pizza slices I can get down with. Location are scattered in NJ. Some local favorite mentions are Fatte Alberts pizza and Boston House of Pizza. 🍕
Where is your favorite Place in the World to Travel To?
HAWAII at the moment. I’m captivated by the beauty both of nature and the people. It is truly magical and I can’t wait to go back ASAP!
If you could jump on a plane and fly somewhere new today, where would it be?
This is a tough one I’m going to go with Ireland. It has really been calling to me lately! 🍀

How important is confidence to you in the way you live your life?
Confidence is extremely important to me. I feel that with a little more confidence we can achieve so much. I’m sure anyone can relate to having a dream of wanting to do something and just imagine what a little more confidence could do to make that dream a reality.
How do you unwind and find your Happy Place?
I’m the queen of unwinding and spending time in my happy place. I would have to say mine is nature. I love a good hike, hangout under a tree, listen to the sounds all around me. Perhaps a nice stroll on the beach and watch the sunset. I also, really enjoy a nice long soak in the tub and then cuddle up and get my reading on. Those are definitely my go-to’s!